

Hi! I'm Kara O'Rourke. Nutritionist (BHSc), qualified personal trainer and mum. And welcome to my Organic kitchen!

I absolutely adore food. This is all thanks to my mum. Some of her best dishes were one's where there was not much food in the house, but somehow she managed to put together an amazing, well balanced mouth watering meal. Along with her European upbringing which brought it's fair share of incredible food. I was spoilt with flavour!

Being a gymnast from the age of 2. I was introduced to the world of health and fitness very young. Which sparked my second passion, Nutrition. The mind body connection fascinated me. Everything about Nutrition spoke to me. The importance of it, it's rich history, how it can change your life. And how it changed my life. And I learned you don't have to deprive yourself of delicious food to be healthy. And this is what I want to share with you! A taste of nourishing indulgence. Food that is made with quality local organic ingredients, without harmful additives, that is delicious and makes your body and soul smile all at once. 



Bachelor Health Science Nutritional Medicine (BHSc)

Cert 3 and 4 personal training

Qualified food safety supervisor

Council registered kitchen

10 years experience in hospitality

8 years experience in Health food retail